Cultural Baggage Cultural Baggage is DTN's longest running broadcast program with 18 years as of October 2019. We are proud to have more than three dozen affiliate stations in the US and Canada broadcasting our 29 minutes of unvarnished truth about the failure and futility of this eternal prohibition of drugs. Produced by former cop Dean Becker at KPFT, Houston, one of the 5 Pacifica "sister" stations.

Major Neill Franklin (Ret) discusses law enforcement, the Peelian Princiiples: The goal is preventing crime, not catching criminals. If the police stop crime before it happens, we don’t have to punish citizens or suppress their rights. Corruption and greed are stopping most departments.

Neill Franklin
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Howard Wooldridge a former detective is a “long rider” who has crossed the US several times on his horse Misty and who just finished his second trip across the US on a bicycle wearing a shirt that states: “Cops say legalize Heroin... ask me why”. PLUS Could psychedelics help us heal from trauma and mental illnesses? Researcher Rick Doblin has spent the past three decades investigating this question, and the results are promising. In this fascinating dive into the science of psychedelics, he explains how drugs like LSD, psilocybin and MDMA affect your brain.

Howard Wooldridge, Citizens Opposing Prohibition
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Phil Smith reports drug war news for Stop the Drug War and Drug War Chronicle. Phil and DTN host Dean Becker discuss the corruption and the progress of drug laws.

Phil Smith
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Doctor Frank Lucido is retiring from general practice but will maintain his medical cannabis practice + Ethan Nadelmann the founder of the DPA discusses prejudice and the drug war.

Ethan Nadelmann, Drug Policy Alliance
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Clarence Walker report: "Who Are the Real drug Pushers? Top Executives indicted in Hundreds of Million dollars in Cocaine trafficking" + Jeff Reese former Houston Sheriff Deputy Sergeant with 26 years experience is now President of Houston Peace and Justice Center

Clarence Walker, Houston Peace and Justice Center
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OSU Professor Lawrence Pasternack re OpEd in Tulsa World: What's the best way to regulate legal marijuana? The free market. + Howard Wooldridge is half way across America on his bicycle promoting end of drug war.

Lawrence Pasternack, Oklahoma State University
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STEVE FOX TRIBUTE: With the passing of cannabis reformer extraordinaire Steve Fox we hear from long time associates Bruce Mirken of MPP and Mason Tvert Steves associate at VS. Strategies. According to Marijuana Moment: "Steve was a lead drafter of Colorado’s historic Amendment 64, which legalized cannabis for adult use, and he managed all aspects of the successful campaign behind its passage and implementation. He also conceptualized and co-founded Safer Alternative For Enjoyable Recreation (SAFER), which laid a lot of groundwork for the legalization effort and contributed to a seismic shift in the U.S. cannabis policy debate. In 2009, he co-authored the book “Marijuana Is Safer: So why are we driving people to drink?,” which is based on the SAFER strategy.... Tikkun olam. Mission accomplished."

Steve Fox, VS Strategies
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Paul Armentano the Deputy Director of NORML discuss more legal states, racial history of drug war and backwards looking Texas politicians + Abbie Rosner, writer for Forbes on advance of legal psychedelics.

Paul Armentano, National Organization for Reform of Marijuana Laws
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Kassandra Frederique the Executive Director of the Drug Policy Alliance on "claiming the moral high ground" in the drug war + DeVaughn Ward, Sr. Counsel of Marijuana Policy Project

Kassandra Frederique, Drug Policy Alliance
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Det. Howard Wooldridge (Ret) one of the founders of LEAP is once again crossing the United States. No horse involved this time he is riding his bike to celebrate his 70th birthday. He wears a shirt that says: "Cops Say Legalize Heroin - Ask Me Why" + DTN Editorial: "Drug war is racist, stupid and evil"

Howard Wooldridge , Citizens Opposing Prohibition
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